• William Mason

    Behold The Lamb Of God

    Nothing can make poor sinners truly happy, but that which taketh away the cause of all misery, sin. This is effected: the Lamb of God hath taken away all sin, by his sacrifice for us. When, by the eye of faith, we behold this Lamb, then all sin is taken away from our conscience. When a soul thinks, ‘Sin has…

  • Harriet Backler

    The Life And Testimony Of Harriet Backler

    I knew the subject of this notice 37 years ago. I was then at Haver-hill, Suffolk. I saw her at chapel as constantly as the doors were opened, in winter's cold or summer's sunshine. She was then in her 14th year. She was thinly clad, and her shoes hardly kept her feet from the ground. She had a small handkerchief…

  • John Gadsby,  The Gospel Standard

    History Of The “Gospel Standard”

    Before  a man sits down to write a history of any place or thing, he should be quite satisfied on two points: 1, That he is qualified for the work; and, 2, That people in general will believe he is so qualified; otherwise his labour will be in vain. Gibbon wrote "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire;" most…

  • Benjamin Ramsbottom

    Divine Providence

    This is an immense verse. It includes everything, it embraces everything: the whole of creation, the whole of providence, the whole of redemption. And the point here is very simple: that it is all in the Lord’s hands, that everything, great or small, past, present or to come, grace or providence, is in His hands. It is a wonderful mercy…

  • William Mason

    Called By A New Name

    This is predicted of the church of God; which, according to covenant-transactions of the glorious Trinity, stands in the nearest and dearest relation to Jesus her head. She is here spoken of as a single person, ‘Thou.’ She is called ‘Christ’s body,’ and ‘the bride, the Lamb’s wife.’ (Rev. 21:9) Of whom, saith God the Father, ‘I have loved thee…