• William Mason

    In The Morning, Oh Lord

    In the Lord we all live, move, and have our being; therefore it is the indispensable duty of all men to call upon the name of the Lord in prayer. But what is a duty from nature and reason, is esteemed a rich privilege, an inestimable blessing, by the children of grace. The pouring out of the Spirit of grace…

  • Mary Boorne

    The Life And Death Of Mary Boorne

    The deceased lived for many years at Reigate, and was a regular attendant at Station Road Chapel, Redhill; she was greatly attached to the people and minister of that place. She was called by grace when young, and used to sit under the ministry of the late Mr. Covell, whom she very highly esteemed as a servant of God. She…

  • William Mason

    Striving Against Sin

    What poor, low, legal work is this, say some. We are happy in Christ without such a strife. We are perfect, fully born again, perfectly sanctified and freed from all sin; therefore our strife is at an end, say others. Alas, poor, honest, upright Christian, thou art ever in danger; on the right hand, of licentiousness; on the left hand,…

  • Gerald Buss

    I Lead In The Way Of Righteousness

    One of the many names given to the incomparable Saviour is the name ‘Wisdom.’ In this chapter, we are given a blessed commentary by the Holy Ghost through His servant Solomon of the way in which the Lord Jesus Christ is the very wisdom of God. And, particularly in the verses before us this evening, there is a very necessary…

  • AHB Worship Services,  Jared Smith's Online Worship Services,  Jared Smith's Sermons

    The Key To Unlocking John Gill’s “Body Of Doctrinal And Practical Divinity”

    John Gill understood the Sublapsarian view on the logical order of God's decree to fit within the Supralapsarian view, thereby subscribing to both positions. This scheme of teaching is diagramed in the "Framework of Sovereign Grace", which serves as the key to unlocking Gill's "Body of Doctrinal and Practical Divinity" (Systematic Theology). Although Gill himself never diagramed his framework of…