The Sophistry Of Satan
It is a grand masterpiece of that wisdom which is earthly, sensual, devilish, to call in question the truth of God's word; to insinuate a doubt about it. But here appears more modesty even in Satan, than in some of his servants; for he only puts a query upon it, whereas they absolutely deny and ridicule the truths of Jehovah.…
The Burden Of Sin
Those who think lightly of sin, and account iniquity a trifling thing, evidently show that the god of this world hath blinded their eyes to the infinite atonement of Jesus, and hardened their hearts through the deceitfulness of sin; therefore they are insensible of grief, and without feeling of godly sorrow for sin. When Jesus is known in the heart,…
Together For Good
The Life And Legacy Of Richard Huxham
My Dear Brother,—In availing myself of your kind permission to supplement the short account given in your issue for February last, of the late Mr. Richard Ash Huxham, I may say on behalf of his dear aged widow, many friends, and myself, that we gratefully appreciate your kindness in allowing this to appear, and trust that our God will be…
The Life And Ministry Of Richard Huxham
Was born at Totness, Devon, where he spent his youth, and there he commenced his ministry, continuing in the pastorate of the Baptist Church some fourteen years, afterwards removing to Borough Green, Kent. He also ministered for about two years at Chelmsford, then became the pastor at Rattlesden, Suffolk, for six years, and finally for four years at Aldringham. His…
The Life And Testimony Of Richard Huxham
Dear Brother Winters,—It is at your request I attempt to write you a brief account of the few and evil days of my life. I was born of godly parents at Totnes, in Devonshire, on the banks of that lovely river Dart, commonly known as the English Rhine, on the 12th January, 1824. In the year 1831 I was impressed…