Following On To Know The Lord
The hearts of disciples enjoy sweet fellowship in the truth, and hence they mutually help and encourage each other’s faith. The Saviour loves to have it so: he blesses them, and manifests himself to them in this way. So it was with the disciples after his crucifixion and death. They resorted together, and communed with each other; and Jesus, though…
The Life And Testimony Of Mrs. Thomas Jones
Mrs. Jones was born of godly parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Harrington-Page, on October 23rd, 1855, at Ironbridge. She was baptised on September 15th, 1889, and received into the Strict Baptist Church at Birch Meadow, Brosely, Salop. Ultimately she removed to the vicinity of London, where she spent several years at Blackheatb, afterwards at New Cross, where she joined the…
God’s Watchful Eye
You may wonder whatever food you could gather from a verse like this in Holy Scripture. But, if we are given the grace to dig beneath the surface tonight, I believe we will find some precious things, especially for those who are in the path that Jacob was in; that is in the way of faith, but in a greatly…
42 Bible Doctrine – Gill’s ‘Body Of Divinity’ Aligned With The Framework Of Sovereign Grace
I would like to welcome you back to another study in Bible Doctrine. In our previous studies, I have presented to you the table of contents belonging to John Gill’s Body of Divinity. He has divided his teachings into two parts. The first part is a doctrinal body of theology, composed of seven books, or branches, containing one-hundred-and-seven chapters. The…
The Life And Testimony Of George Roots
I have in the first place extracted a little from his own writing: "I am a wonder to many, and a far greater wonder to myself; and am often brought to a stand, to wonder I am out of hell; and I wonder I am suffered to live here on earth. Thus I go wondering on my journey homewards; and…
Unscriptural Notions Of Terms And Conditions Of Salvation
One is sometimes called to bear testimony before unbelievers, of the hope that is in us. It is difficult to speak of the manifestation of Christ to the heart, so that the Saviour alone may be exalted and glorified: somewhat of self naturally creeps into the relation. It is very pleasing to nature to be esteemed as one highly favoured,…